The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book)

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His name comes up in mentions of Zen's misty past, but without any writings or authentication, modern authors have often referred to Bodhidharma as semilegendary. In 1935, D.T. Suzuki had rummaged through a number of newly discovered Zen texts dating back over a thousand years, but not until recently did scholars agree that some may contain the words of Bodhidharma himself. Now Jeffrey Broughton has brushed off the dust for the English reading world. In question-and-answer style anticipating later Zen classics like the Lin-Chi Lu (Zen Teachings of Master Lin-Chi), Bodhidharma fields questions from his students on dharma, the mind, and reality. Vintage Zen iconoclasm permeates every line as dharmas are dispensed with and scriptures shot down. A rock painted with a Buddhist image is still just a rock. Just so, reality is just reality. A previously unknown student of Bodhidharma, one Master Yuan, shows himself to be a worthy adept, equal to the more well-known Hui-kuo, who also appears. The actual Bodhidharma texts are quite brief, with the bulk of this work consisting of Broughton's scholarly introduction, commentary, appendices, and translations of related finds. --Brian Bruya

books about: bodhidharma (meditation 3893380256) - product reviews The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book) 3 reviews Jeffrey L. Broughton University of California Press, 1999 Lin Chen Chi - Mitra Celebrities :: Celebrity Resources On The Net The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book) Bodhidharma, First Zen Patriarch Sweeping Zen Bodhidharma is commonly referred to as the First Patriarch of Zenhis Dharma heir ... The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book ... The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E ... His name comes up in mentions of Zen's misty past, but without any writings or authentication, modern authors have often referred to Bodhidharma as semilegendary. In ... FLATBED SUTRA Free Online Course: Classic Teachings of Zen ... The Bodhidharma Anthology, Jeffrey L. Broughton. The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book) On one occasion the sound of ... Broughton-Jeffrey-L.-The-Bodhidharma-Anthology-The-Earliest ... The Bodhidharma Anthology A BOOK The Earliest Records of Zen The Philip E. Lilienthal imprint honors special books in commemoration of a man whose work Bodhidharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The first book was taken by his disciple ... Jeffrey L. (1999), The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen ... Kanzeon Zen Center; Philip Kapleau-lineage; Philip ... "bodhidharma" - $25.85 The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book) The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen - Jeffrey L ... The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen Philip E. Lilienthal Book: Author: Jeffrey L. Broughton: Edition: annotated: Publisher: University of California Press, 1999 Bodhidharma: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle The Bodhidharma Anthology: The Earliest Records of Zen (Philip E. Lilienthal Book) by Bodhidharma (Sep 21, 1999)